Rainwater leak at Chennai Central Station Platform 8 (Video)

Rainwater falling on Railway platform. (Photo & video by Balu)

CHENNAI: Heavy rains are lashing Chennai city and its suburbs for the past 48 hours. Roads are submerged and streets are under water. 
Train passengers too faced severe hardships because of rainwater leak straight on Platform Number 8 of Chennai Central Railway Station at around 7 p.m.on November 30th 2019 Saturday and they are appealing for the immediate attention of railway authorities.

A passenger who came to the Central station after facing lot of hardships due to rain and traffic blocks on Chennai city roads today was aghast to see rain water falling on the railway station platform too.

Platform No.8 Chennai Central Railway station.30th Nov 2019

“Lots of passengers, Sabarimala Ayyappa devotees, elderly people with luggage and children had a harrowing experience today evening. The Southern Railway authorities must pay immediate attention to Platform 8 of Chennai Central railway station,” the passenger said contacting ‘Lotustimes’ news website to share his bitter experience today evening.       

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