LG interacts with Brahmakumaris on Dharma, Values & Spiritualism

MADURAI: Senior BJP leader Mr.La.Ganesan had a special interaction with Brahmakumari sisters in Madurai on March 10th 2019 discussing about dharma, meditation, spirituality, values, moral education etc.
He visited the Brahmakumaris Rajayoga Meditation Centre near Narayanapuram here and he was explained by the sisters about the various social, spiritual and educational activities being carried out through a vast network of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwarya Vishwa Vidyalaya.
“I know about the service rendered by Brahmakumaris organisation at various places…..You are known for hard work and discipline…..Even though BJP is a political party, it is different from other parties because its activities and functioning are inspired / influenced by the RSS which is a service organisation……BJP is a mission for the nation….”, Mr.La.Ganesan told the sisters.
Stating that dharma has to be protected, the senior BJP leader pointed out that some NGOs were receiving funds from western countries and they are behind anti-national forces in our country. “When Modi government took steps to cleanup the system, the funding for such NGOs got stopped and naturally they will be angry,” he added.
Brahmakumari sisters informed Mr.Ganesan about the various courses and programs being offered like value education, spirituality, crisis management, counselling etc. Physical health, mental health, meditation, yoga and the power of ‘mantras’ were among the points discussed.
Those who were present at this meeting include Tamil Nadu BJP State Secretary Prof.Dr.R.Srinivasan, Lotus Times Shastry V Mallady and Sunitha Mallady and party office-bearers Mr.Sankara Pandi, Mr.Murali Ramasamy and Mr.Sivaji.   

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