CHENNAI: A meeting of the State office-bearers of Tamil Nadu BJP Intellectual Cell took place at the party’s State headquarters ‘Kamalalayam’ in T.Nagar in Chennai on November 17th 2017 (Friday).
Prof.P.Kanagasabapathi, State president of Intellectual Cell – TN BJP, had chaired the meeting where important decisions to active the intellectual cells in all districts in the State, were taken.
The action plan and course of action for next two months have been finalised by the office-bearers.
“District teams for BJP district intellectual cells all over Tamil Nadu should be formed by the end of November 2017…..The State office-bearers of the Intellectual Cell will be assigned specific districts and tasks which they have to complete fast,” Prof.Kanagasabapathi has said at the State-level meeting here in Chennai.
At the State office-bearers meeting in Chennai on November 17th, it was decided that a high-impact important event will be organised in Chennai in the third week of December 2017 to mark the birthday of great leader / inspiring PM Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee who gave his life for the India’s welfare, progress and development.
“Work was allotted to each office-bearer at the State level…….districts were assigned to them to complete the formation of intellectual cell office-bearers teams for the BJP……Once it is completed, then we can go ahead with State EC meeting soon,” the Tamil Nadu BJP Intellectual Cell State president, added.
After the Chennai event in December, the Intellectual Cell will proceed to host a State-level meet in Madurai city in coming January.
The Topics / issue/ date and agenda will be decided next month.
Prof.Kanagasabapathy had clearly stated that the objective of Intellectual Cell should be to rope in new members, new thinking, new blood and new ideas for the BJP thereby shaping up a new Think Tank.
Among those who attended the State office-bearers meeting of Tamil Nadu BJP Intellectual Cell include : Prof.Rajalakshmi, ( Prabhari), Mr.C.S.Ram (S.Ramasubramanian), Mr.P.T.Selvakumar, Shastry V.Mallady (Madurai) and Mr.N.Manikandan (Salem).