MADURAI: The alumni of Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) will soon have an easy way of applying for certificates and obtain the certificates they want from the varsity faster, thanks to a special initiative taken by the university authorities to install ‘Online Certificate Portal’.
A module for installing the online certificate system is being developed with the help of an IT company here for the convenience of old students of MKU who apply for various certificates for their requirements either for jobs, higher studies etc.
“We keep issuing certificates to our old students after they complete the course. Currently, we collect physical applications, process them and give the certificates. To avoid delay or hardships, we are going to introduce Online Certificate Module for our university, make the certificate applying process totally online and old students need not come to campus here. Totally 12 types of certificates which are needed by students will be covered in this online certificate portal,” Dr.T. Dharmaraj, Controller of Examinations in-charge, MKU, told ‘Lotus Times’ news website in Madurai on July 14th 2023.
Once the portal is launched, the old students and present students will feel easy for applying for certificates because the process is online. The 12 types of certificates include provisional certificate, convocation certificate (annual and special convocation), migration certificate, eligibility certificate, medium of instruction certificate, Ph.D registration and guideship certificate, transcript etc.
Prof.Dr.Dharmaraj has said that the online portal will avoid time delay in issuing of certificate to the candidates, prevent any sort of manipulation or influence since the system is coming in a foolproof manner that is ‘validation guaranteed’, gives a login ID, alerts the candidates if there is any mistake at the time of applying and ensures a through scrutiny.
“We can track the status of application, responsibility is fixed for staff in our exams and administration sections, fees to be paid is auto calculated and many other features are there. There will be a dash board in the online certificate portal and all that the students need to do is to fill the particulars and upload. Immediately we start the process of issuing the certificate. Right now, we receive 250 applications per day from candidates asking for various certificates. Once an online system is in place, things become easy and faster,” the MKU Controller of Exams in-charge Prof. Dr.T.Dharma Raj has said.