American College Principal dismisses complaint about his tenure, says UGC 2018 regulations not applicable in his case

Dr.M.Davamani Christober

MADURAI: The Principal of American College in Madurai Dr.M.Davamani Christober has today said that the University Grants Commission (UGC) Regulations 2018 are not applicable to him because he was appointed as Principal of the college in the year 2011 which was much before the regulations came into effect.

“I have been appointed as the Principal of American College as per UGC regulations only. There is no issue or controversy at all about my tenure crossing more than 10 years. I became Principal in the year 2011, the UGC regulations came in the year 2018, and Tamil Nadu Government’s G.O. came in 2021. This matter is now in court and it is sub-judice. When I was appointed then at that time as per UGC regulations, how can it be an issue now in my case when the new regulations of UGC came into effect only in 2018. I am fighting this in the court of law, and the regulations that came after I became Principal will not apply for me and my continuity as American College Principal,” Dr.Davamani Christober told ‘Lotus Times’ media in Madurai on June 7th 2023.

His reaction was sought in the wake of a petition filed by a few college faculty members demanding the removal of American College Principal M.Davamani Christober from his present position as Principal citing that he had completed more than 10 years as Principal.

An official communication from State Government and collegiate education department officials was sent to the MKU Vice-Chancellor Prof.J.Kumar also a few days ago in this regard by stating the contents in that petition which say that no person can hold the college Principal post for more than 10 years, and the duration of Principal tenure has to be extended once in five years by the university to which the college is affiliated and was not done by procedures, and also questioned how Dr.Davamani Christober can be a member in the official governing bodies of MKU- in its Syndicate etc.

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