MADURAI: The Directorate of Collegiate Education-Chennai has replied to a query under the Right To Information (RTI) Act, informing that tenure of present Principal of American College Dr.M.Davamani Christober was not extended after 28th October 2021 by the office of DCE.
This reply under the RTI Act was given through a communication from the public information officer of DCE dated 9th December 2022.
The office of the Directorate of Collegiate Education of Government of Tamil Nadu had responded and replied to RTI application by one Dr.R.Prabahar Vedamanickam from Madurai, who sought to know whether the DCE has sent any communication extending the tenure of the Principal of American College, Madurai, beyond 28th October 2021, because the Principal has completed 10 years as Principal and asked “will it not be violation of government rules if the Principal continues without any extension from the government and makes appointment to government positions and handles government grants?”
Dr.R.Prabahar Vedamanickam of Madurai had filed the RTI application on 1st November 2022 under the RTI Act and the reply from DCE came through a communication dated 9th December 2022, sources told ‘Lotustimes’ website in Madurai on 27th December 2022.