LDC gives fashion statement in style


MADURAI: The Department of Fashion Designing of Lady Doak College in Madurai had organized Esperanza’22- The Fashion Portfolio presentation on 11th May 2022. Dr.Christianna Singh, Principal and Secretary of LDC, presided over the event. Mr.Mohamed Farook, fashion designer and stylist, was the chief guest. Dr.G.Sofia, associate professor and coordinator of the department, gave introductory remarks about this event.

A press release received from the college here yesterday informed that students of third year B.Sc Fashion Designing had showed their creativity skills through a stunning performance displaying their designed garments as a part of their portfolio presentation, with impressive themes and dazzling fashion walk. Arrangements for this event were made by Head in-charge Fg Offr Sagara S.G and faculty members of the department, the press release said.

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