Minister PTR inaugurates new public amenities in Madurai city


MADURAI: Tamil Nadu Finance Minister and Madurai Central assembly constituency MLA Mr.P.T.R.Palanivel Thiagarajan has today inaugurated the various amenities constructed for public convenience at several places in Madurai city.

On 6th July 2021, he had declared open new facilities created at a cost of Rs.15.50 lakhs with funds from MLA constituency development fund, a press release from Madurai Corporation had informed today. In Corporation Zone-1 Ward 9 Aruldosspuram, Mr.PTR inaugurated toilet facilities at the dhobi washing area, a pver block road in in zone-4 ward 82 Simmakkal area Kandasamy Pillai compound and in ward 81 Vairavan Chetty second street  where the Minister inaugurated the newly laid paverblock road .

Later, Mr.PTR had inaugurated a COVID vaccination camp in old age home in Aarapalayam (Hamuman Temple padithurai) and at Sivabhagya marriage hall in Aarapalayam. Among those who were present include MLA Mr.Thalapathi, corporation assistant commissioner in-charge Mr.Syed Mustafa Kamal, Corporation PRO Mr.Maheswaran, health inspector Vijayakumar and others.  

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