Madurai Corpn building plan violated to give car parking?


MADURAI: There are questions being raised whether the original building plan which was approved by the Madurai Corporation was violated at an apartment premises in Madurai City- DRO Colony Main Road. Grievances are being received from affected flat owners and this report is being filed today- on 1st November 2020.

The space shown in the building plan by the promoter and actually given to the buyer shows a lot of difference. Because, the play area as shown in the Madurai Corporation approved original apartment design plan has become a car parking area now. And, the playing area given by the builder subsequently and accepted by the apartment residents’ association too has become a car parking space almost……with only a few kids’ playing area left. The Gym in this playing area at the back of apartment campus too is a question mark. Where are the Corporation rules?.

So, the Madurai Corporation should take steps to ensure that the original building plan as approved by the civic body to the apartments promoter should be restored. And the violations in this apartment premises in DRO Colony should be inspected / corrected in the interest of flat owners, children, playing area and to remove car parking encroachment in common space. (PART ONE).

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