CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Governor Mr.R.N.Ravi had hosted 5,000 school children from various institutions at the sprawling Raj Bhavan in Chennai yesterday- January 5th 2025- giving them a memorable moment of their life before they proceeded on a joy trip to VGP Universal Kingdom amusement park near here.
The Rajasthan Youth Association (RYA) Metro Food Bank had organised a special trip for 5,000 God’s own children and this trip was flagged off by the Tamil Nadu Governor from the lawns of Raj Bhavan where he spent considerable time and interacted with them.
Mr.R.N.Ravi had exhorted the school children to study well with clear focus and achieve their goals in life, and he also presented ‘Exam Warrior’ book authored by Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi to the children who are going to take their exams very soon.
The RYA Metro Food Bank which is a leading voluntary organization in Chennai doing several service projects to prevent hunger etc has said that the visit to Raj Bhavan and to the VGP theme park has brought New Year and Pongal celebrations for the children.
Mr.Nirmal Nahar, Managing Trustee, RYA Metro Food Bank, had welcomed the huge gathering of children and guests and he said that it was a special occasion to take children for a good outing and it will etched in their memory.
RYA Metro Food Bank’s office-bearers including Mr.Nitin Jain, Mr.Girish Bhandari and Mr.Mohan Goenka were among those present at the flagging off event held at Raj Bhavan on January 5th 2025.