Dec 16th is American College governing council meeting date: Madurai Bishop decides to bring Search Committee on agenda for selecting new Principal


MADURAI: An important decision to select the next Principal of the famous American College in Madurai will be taken on December 16th 2024.

Reliable sources close to the Church here told ‘Lotus Times’ media today that the Bishop of Madurai-Ramnad Diocese Rt.Rev.Dr.Jeyasingh Prince Prabhakaran who is the Governing Council president of American College in Madurai has given the date for the GC meeting and it will be held on December 16th 2024, and this meeting agenda is to form a search committee to recommend a name for the next Principal of American College.

“The CSI Bishop has conveyed it to the American College administrative staff that December 16th will be the date for Governing Council meeting. Many important issues are going to be discussed in this meeting on December 16th because the Secretaryship of present Principal Dr.M.Davamani Christober is ending on January 27th 2025 and the CSI Bishop is aware of that. Also, the Principal tenure will be over on May 31st 2025 and who will become the American College Secretary during this interim period is a question…. Now, there is also a rumour in the college campus that a new ‘Ladies Club’ is being formed by a particular group for reasons best known to the present college management. Anyway the Madurai Bishop is clear that a Search Committee to select the next Principal of American College will come into place immediately after the governing council meeting on December 16th 2024,” higher education sources told ‘Lotus Times’ media website today evening and also indicated that the GC meeting will take note of the DVAC complaints against the present Principal and Secretary Dr.M.Davamani Christober who is facing allegations of corruption in staff recruitment and student admissions besides amassing of wealth through various sources as per DVAC complaint.

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