MADURAI: The Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association Limited from Madurai has given a call to shut the shops, offices and production places for the whole day on November 29th 2024 (Friday) against the announcement from the Government of India and the GST Council decision to levy GST @ 18 per cent through Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) method, at the GST Council meeting held on November 10th 2024.
“The GST Council comprising central government authorities and the Ministers from all State governments or their representatives had met on November 10th 2024. They decided to levy GST of 18 per cent through RCM method for the rent or lessee amount payable to the buildings meant for commercial and business purposes. So, the traders and manufacturers have decided to shut their shops, offices and production places for a whole day on November 29th 2024,” the Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association has declared from Madurai yesterday in consultation with the All Merchants Association Federation in Madurai.
Associations of various traders throughout Tamil Nadu are participating in this one-day shops closure on November 29th 2024, according to information received here yesterday.