CHENNAI: Senior neurophysician and neurosurgeon Dr.K.Gireesh had cautioned that the various drugs used commonly in parties will have immediate effect on body organs that creates short term and long term complications for the persons who are taking drugs.
Speaking at the 76th NCC Day celebrations held at Sri Sairam Engineering College Institute of Technology campus at West Tambaram in Chennai on November 22nd 2024 to create anti-drug and drug abuse awareness, he said that snorting, smoking and intravenous can be very dangerous and hence drug abuse prevention is given top priority.
“The bad effects of party drugs will be severe on human brain as they cause structural damage to the brain, psychotropic substances cause neuro-chemical imbalance leading to delusion, hallucination, paranoid, agitation, loss of memory and ultimately resulting in draconian symptoms. Drugs will damage kidneys, muscles, immune system and the liver. So, the NCC cadets have an important role to spread the message of ill-effects of drugs to the youngsters,” Dr.K.Gireesh, Past Lions District Governor and Past Multiple Council Chairperson, has said in the drug awareness programme where students were made to say the slogan ‘No to Drugs, Yes to good life’, according to a press release.
Mr.M.A.Prem Kumar, president, Lions Club of Madras Excellence, Lt.S.K.Dinesh, Lion Ashok Kumar and Lion Rajendra Babu were among those present while Ln.Dr.Asmath Salim, secretary, Lions Club of Madras Excellence (District 324K), had presented a report on various public service activities being carried out by the Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs.