Tamil Nadu in 3rd place for maximum passports: Regional Passport Officer speaks at American College in Madurai

Passport awareness program at American College on September 20th 2024.

MADURAI: The American College and Regional Passport Office in Madurai jointly organized ‘Passport Awareness Programme’ exclusively for the students of American College here today – on September 20th 2024.

Dr.B.Vasanthan-IFS, Regional Passport Officer-Madurai Region, who addressed the college students has informed that Tamil Nadu stands in third place in India after Maharashtra and Kerala to get maximum number of passports, and Madurai Passport Seva Kendra issued more than 3 lakhs passports last year, according to a press release received from the college today.

Dr.M.Davamani Christober, Principal and Secretary, inaugurated the passport awareness program in the presence of college Vice-Principal Dr.A.Martin David and Dean for Academic Advising Prof.Justin Manohar along with SLP coordinator Dr.Jacob Ponraj.

American College Principal Dr.M.Davamani Christober had highlighted that only seven per cent of India’s population has got passport now and these days it is easy to get a passport compared to earlier days because it was very difficult to get a passport in those days, the press release added.

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