CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu BJP spokesperson Mr.A.N.S.Prasad has filed an urgent petition in the Madras High Court against the proposed Formula 4 Car Racing event in Chennai which is scheduled for August 31st and September 1st 2024.
“The case was filed by A.N.S.Prasad, Tamil Nadu BJP State Spokesperson and he requested the court to be heard urgently, but it has been scheduled for tomorrow. The petition filed by A.N.S.Prasad had stated that public roads have been blocked causing inconvenience to the common people…affects daily commuters, affects patients going to Chennai GH etc. So, the car racing event should be halted,” the petition said according to a press release received today.
The petitioner Mr.A.N.S.Prasad in his affidavit had appealed to direct the respondents in his petition to not conduct the proposed Formula 4 street race scheduled to be held in from August 31st to September 1st in Chennai limits.