AIFUCTO warns Modi Govt of massive agitation for teachers’ issues; Demands withdrawal of NET mandatory for Ph.D (Part-1)

AIFUCTO national EC meeting in Delhi on August 4th 2024.

MADURAI: The All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organisations (AIFUCTO) had its national executive council meeting in Delhi on August 4th 2024 where a few important resolutions were passed urging the Central government to pay attention to education issues being raised by delegates on behalf of the college and university teachers in the country.

“The issues discussed in the National Executive Council meeting of AIFUCTO includes reinstating of Old Pension Scheme. The EC of AIFUCTO had resolved that the attempt of the Central government to make NET mandatory for pursuing Ph.D should be repealed immediately. Repeal of New Pension Scheme and reinstating of Old Pension Scheme, provision for increment for M.Phil/Ph.D in UGC Regulations, immediate release of 50 percent arrears due from Central government as p[er 7th Pay Commission recommendation, withdrawing the mandatory Ph.D as a precondition for career advancement and 10 per cent allocation from GDP for education are our some demands….The EC of AIFUCTO also decided that it will fight for proper pay scale and working conditions for teachers in self-financed and autonomous colleges, and urged the State governments to take note of the matter,” Prof.Dr.Arun Kumar, general secretary of AIFUCTO, has appealed in the press statement issued on August 5th 2024.


The AIFICTO’s national executive council meeting held in Delhi on August 4th 2024 also decided that it will get engaged in movements in a phased manner across the country through its units, and also support for 8th Pay Commission for Central government employees.

This important meeting was presided over by AIFUCTO president Prof.M.Nagarajan and was attended and represented by representatives from different States and organizations, the press release from AIFUCTO general secretary Prof.Dr.Arun Kumar has informed on August 5th 2024.

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