MADURAI: Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu K.Kamaraj’s birth anniversary was celebrated with a committed spirit and passion by the students and staff of Al-Ameen Higher Secondary School at K.Pudur in Madurai on July 15th 2024 as a part of ‘Education Development Day’ celebrations held across the State to mark ‘Kalvi Valarchi Naal’ on his birthday.
School Headmaster Mr.Sheik Nabi had presided over the function while assistant HM Mr.Zahir Hussain had led the event celebrations for Kamaraj birth anniversary yesterday, a press release received from the school has informed.
Cultural and literary competitions were conducted, prizes distributed to winning students at this ‘Education Development Day’ celebration event on July 15th 2024 where students Rajahariran, Sivakarthik, Iniyavan, Abdul Rahman and Mohamed Harun gave speeches and recited poems about ‘Perunthalaivar’ Kamarajar’s life history and his great role, the press release said.
NSS Officer Syed Mohamed Yousuf welcomed the gathering while assistant headmaster Rahmatullah had proposed a vote of thanks for this event which was compered and hosted by school teacher Thowfik Raja along with office staff of the school.