Aided college teachers stage protest fast in Madurai for their promotion salary and other demands; MUTA leads demonstration

MUTA-AUT protest in Madurai – July 6th 2024 by JAC-ACT.

MADURAI: Teachers of Government aided colleges staged a one-day protest cum fast in Madurai today- on July 6th 2024- appealing to the Tamil Nadu Government to pay the due salary to be given to associate professors cadre who got their promotions through G.O. No.5- four years back by the Higher Education Department of Government of Tamil Nadu.

More than 100 aided college teachers sat on a fast at Palanganatham in Madurai city today and requested the State Government to implement the G.O., and they also raised other issues for their career promotions through Career Advancement Scheme (CAS), incentives for M.Phil and Ph.D etc.

Teaching staff from aided colleges took part in the protest fast in Madurai today and among those who addressed the protesting aided colleges faculty include MUTA president Dr.A.T.Senthamarai Kannan, MUTA Zone-2 president Mr.Gnaneswaran and Zone-1 vice-president Ms.Uma Maheswari among others who spoke about the demands of aided college teachers.

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