MADURAI: Elementary school teachers who are working in Tamil Nadu Government schools in the State are going on a protest tomorrow- on June 28th 2024- opposing the State government’s move to change seniority level from block level to State level.
“The Tamil Nadu Government and school education department are changing the procedures for transfers counselling of elementary school teachers in our State. From block level seniority, the norms being changed to State-level seniority. The Tamil Nadu Elementary School Teachers Mandram is objecting totally to this decision. So, there is going to be a massive protest at State level on June 28th 2024 demanding the School Education Department/Tamil Nadu State Government to follow only block level seniority for transfers etc. Our focus is on G.O. 243, and many other associations are also taking part in this protest,” Mr.Mandram N.Shanmuganathan, general secretary, Tamil Nadu Elementary School Teachers Mandram, told ‘Lotus Times’ English news website over phone today.
This association is urging the Tamil Nadu government and school education authorities to follow and maintain the old seniority and do not change G.O. 243 because elementary education is all about local teachers, locally living families, local children and primary level school education starts with local touch in villages.
“There is going to be transfers counselling on July 3rd 2024. We plan for passive protests in the counselling spot because we object State level seniority in elementary education level. QA child’s primary starts from local block level,” Mr.N.Shanmuganathan has said today and appealed to the authorities to follow only block level seniority for transfer counselling etc of primary school teachers in Government of Tamil Nadu.