MADURAI: The Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry had submitted pre-budget representation to Union Finance Minister Mrs.Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi yesterday by appealing to her to take into consideration their requests for the coming union budget for 2024-25 for direct and indirect taxes.
Dr.N.Jegatheesan, TN Chamber president, had attended this important meeting in the national capital yesterday for which select representatives from trade and industry were invited to attend the pre-budget meeting and submit their memorandum, suggestions etc.
Bringing petrol and diesel under GST regime, extending the input tax credit on GST for civil construction on immovable property/furtherance of business reasons, increasing the threshold limit for registration in case of supplier of services to Rs.40 lakhs (or who deal in both goods and services), request to use cross empowerment judiciously in harmony with State tax officers so as to protect genuine taxpayers, limiting the GST tax rates to three categories only (5%, 12 % and 18%), scrapping 28% GST category which is unrealistic, communication of order to be made through post or through e-mail instead of serving notices through portal alone etc were some of the points appealed by the Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Madurai in its pre-budget memorandum submitted to the Union Finance Minister Mrs.Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi on June 25th 2024.