MADURAI: Senior BJP leader in Tamil Nadu and Madurai Lok Sabha constituency MP candidate Prof.Raama.Sreenivasan has today said that DMK-Chief Minister M.K.Stalin’s residence in Chennai is getting ‘Sanathana’ magazine of Sai Baba every month and maybe his wife Mrs.Durga Stalin will be reading that monthly magazine without his knowledge.
“I want to tell that Stalin is getting the ‘Sanathana Dharma’ magazine at his house in Chennai. How can the DMK criticize about ‘Sanathana Dharma’ when Mr.M.K.Stalin is getting that magazine at his residence every month. Maybe his wife Durga is reading that magazine. There is no point in accusing the BJP for its stand. Sanatana Dharma is a way of life for Hindus,” Prof.Raama.Sreenivasan told reporters at a press meet in Madurai District BJP office in Bibikulam in Madurai today- on April 25th 2024.
Accusing that the Congress Party is doing divisive politics, the BJP leader Prof.Raama.Sreenivasan has said that the BJP is condemning vote bank politics of the Congress Party “and we today demand the Congress to clarify its stand on redistribution of wealth and also clarify on what Mr.Sam Pitroda has said about inheritance tax.”
Prof.Raama.Sreenivasan has said that inheritance tax must be started from DMK’s Kalaignar Karunanidhi’s family because inheritance starts from there.
“As our Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi has said, we say that Rahul Gandhi is doing what Jinnah and Muslim League did at the time of partition of India. The Congress party is doing nonsense politics. We condemn the vote bank politics of Congress party and what is said by Mr.Sam Pitroda about redistribution of wealth,” the BJP leader Prof.Raama.Sreenivasan has said at a press meet in Madurai today- on April 25th 2024.