Quality of English writing is plummeting and this language needs a lot of help: Delhi St.Stephen’s College Principal

English literature international conference at American College in Madurai on March 27th 2024.

MADURAI: “The quality of writing in English language is plummeting now a days and this language I must say needs a lot of help. Younger generation must go for reading good literary pieces, but unfortunately youngsters these days are losing focus for long duration reading and writing,” Prof.Dr.John Varghese, Principal, St.Stephen’s College, Delhi, has said in Madurai today.

Speaking at American College here on March 27th 2024, he stressed on the importance of literature because “it makes you think and ask questions.”

The Principal of St.Stephen’s College in New Delhi made a thought-provoking presentation while delivering his keynote address at the inaugural session of international conference on ‘Myriad Mysteries: Contemporary Global Perspectives on Language & Literature’ organised by the Post Graduate and Research Department of English, The American College, in hybrid mode here today.

“Literature makes us to rethink. Our thoughts on what literature is all about have to be rewritten. Literature is constantly evolving, changing, it makes you ask certain questions because it makes you think and rethink,” Dr.John Varghese had emphasized while addressing the delegates today and demonstrated with three examples to say that the conventional ways of literature are changing in his presentation on topic “unfolding the mystery-some pointers towards understanding recent literary trends”.

He had explained by showing three examples- a documentary, food blog and a biography- to say that why these three are also literature because they involved a social action.

Dr.R.Beulah Jeyashree, Vice-Principal and Head of PG Research Department of English, Lady Doak College, had highlighted about language and literature, person and perspectives and the challenges for a writer these days.

Dr.M.Davamani Christober, Principal and Secretary of The American College, Dr.Premila Paul, Director-SCILET and Dr.K.Ravi, convener-Head (UG) and Associate Professor, Department of English, were among those who spoke.

Dr.J.Paul Jayakar, Head (PG) and Research Department of English, American College and also Dean for International Exchange and Study Abroad, Director of Satellite Campus of American College, had welcomed the delegates by explaining about the theme myriad mysteries.

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