What are the 6 needed to become entrepreneur? Training program conducted at CED (Tamil Nadu)

Former Vice-Chancellor Dr.S.Sudalaimuthu speaking at the inaugural session held at CED-Tamil Nadu in Madurai on March 11th 2024.

MADURAI: Six important components that are required for entrepreneurship were highlighted during the five-days training program conducted at Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (Tamil Nadu) in Madurai from March 11th to 15th 2024.

Training of Trainers (ToT) under Sankalp project was held at CED (Tamil Nadu) and sponsored by National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of Government of India.

This training was conducted at CED training campus situated in paddy and flower market complex in Mattuthavani in Madurai, and the beneficiaries include representatives from educational institutions, NGOs, community resource persons from SVeP Scheme and freelance trainers, according to a press release received here today.

In his presidential address at the inaugural session held on March 11th 2024, CED (Tamil Nadu) Managing Trustee Dr.R.Jayaraman had pointed out that six key components are essential for entrepreneurship and they include behavioral components- achievement motivation, business opportunity guidance, project report preparation, management issues, legal issues and environmental scanning.

He said that the sessions in this training programme have been structured catering to these six components and the trainees were given a thorough insight into entrepreneurial skills.

Dr.S.Sudalaimuthu, former Vice-Chancellor of Alagappa University-Karaikudi and former Vice-Chancellor of Karpagam University-Coimbatore, had inaugurated the training programme and he said that educational institutions must impart entrepreneurship training also for the students. He had lauded the role played by CED (Tamil Nadu) for training hundreds of entrepreneurs every year.

Dr.V.Mohanram, Programme Officer, CED-Tamil Nadu, had welcomed the gathering and Dr.M.Subburajan, Mentor-SVEP Scheme at CED-Tamil Nadu, had proposed a vote of thanks.

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