CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu BJP State vice-president Mr.V.P.Duraisamy has today demanded Chief Minister M.K.Stalin to present a white paper on Tamil Nadu’s actual total debt in the State Assembly because the people of Tamil Nadu should know what is the financial position of the State.
“We have the full right to make this demand. What was the borrowing made by the DMK government, why Tamil Nadu’s debt is shooting up and for what purpose the borrowed money is being utilized? For the people of Tamil Nadu to get a clear picture, the BJP is demanding Chief Minister Mr.Stalin to present white paper with all details and facts,” Mr.V.P.Duraisamy has said speaking to ‘Lotus Times’ in Chennai today- on January 6th 2024. The BJP State vice-president had lashed out at the DMK for keeping on blaming the Union government instead of focusing on good fiscal management.
“There are certain questions that should be answered by the DMK and Chief Minister Mr.M.KStalin whether the permission was obtained in the Assembly for making huge borrowings. If the total debt of Tamil Nadu is now over Rs.7.5 lakh crores, what is the interest being paid for that debt and how Rs.4.5 lakh crores debt became Rs.7.5 lakh crores in not even three years after the DMK came to power. Since we strongly feel that the Chief Minister had miserably failed in fiscal matters, the BJP in this situation is demanding for a white paper on Tamil Nadu’s financial position. There should be transparency in State’s finances and borrowings,” the Tamil Nadu BJP State vice president said here today.