APPEAL TO MKU to confer D.Litt for freedom fighter Alagam Perumal Kone: Governor-nominee Senate member appeals to MKU VC, Syndicate and Senate members


MADURAI: Tamil Nadu Governor Nominee as Senate Member of Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) here Dr.N.Ramachandran has appealed to the university Vice-Chancellor, Syndicate members and Senate members for conferring D.Litt (Honoris Causa) to freedom fighter Alagam Perumal Kone because he is a fit person to be conferred this honour.

“Freedom fighter A.Alagamperumal Kone was one among those great persons from Madurai who had sacrificed himself for the freedom movement by getting inspired by Gandhiji’s call. He was born in January 1924, subsequently got involved in the freedom struggle at various levels and also got imprisoned for his voice against the British rule. He was recognized by the Government by giving freedom fighters’ pension. So, I am appealing from Madurai to the Madurai Kamaraj University from this Senate meeting here today to confer honorary doctorate for this freedom fighter from Madurai,” MKU Senate Member (Governor Nominee) Dr.N.Ramachandran has raised this as an adjournment motion at MKU Senate meeting held in Madurai on 21st November 2023.

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