AIFUCTO calls for protest in all States on Aug 1st against NEP, massive demonstration in Delhi on September 13th


MADURAI: The All India Federation of University and College Teachers’ Organizations (AIFUCTO) has called for protests in all States on 1st August 2023 demanding withdrawal of National Education Policy (NEP) and also to raise other major demands including implementation of old pension scheme and to end adhocism in education system. The State-level protest on August 1st will be organized along with Joint Forum for Movement on Education.

In a press statement issued from New Delhi today-on July 30th 2023, AIFUCTO general secretary Prof.Dr.Arun Kumar has said that NEP-2020 was imposed upon collective wisdom of the nation without consulting the stakeholders.

“Neither the Parliament not the State governments have been taken into confidence. Since the AIFUCTO and Joint Forum for Movement on Education (JFME) members did not find democratic response from the Government of India till now for objections raised by them, we have decided to organize protests at State level on 1st August 2023 and a massive demonstration on 13th September 2023 in Delhi. Our charter of demands include withdrawal of NEP, restore Old Pension Scheme, 10 per cent GDP allocation for education, absorbing and regularising the services of adhoc, part-time, guest teachers etc, provide dignified salary,” the AIFUCTO general secretary Prof.Dr.Arun Kumar has said in the press release issued today from New Delhi and Patna.

The AIFUCTO has called upon the teaching fraternity across the country to join and lodge their intense protest for saving education system and its democratic, secular, scientific and federal character. An appeal has also been made not to impose common syllabus, CUET, blended mode of learning etc.

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