MADURAI: The Joint Action Council of College Teachers (JAC), Tamil Nadu, has today – on July 19th 2023 Wednesday- made a fervent appeal to the Tamil Nadu State Council of Higher Education (TANSCHE) to withdraw the proposed common uniform syllabus for all universities, affiliated colleges and autonomous colleges in the State because the “common syllabus is being forcibly imposed by TANSCHE on higher education institutions in Tamil Nadu and takes away the autonomy given by the University Grants Commission”.
At a press meet held in Madurai today, the JAC convener Dr.M.Nagarajan and senior office-bearers V,Ravi from AIFUCTO and J.Gandhiraj from AUT, had made it clear to the Tamil Nadu Higher Education Department and to the TANSCHE that “the concept of common syllabus is not acceptable at all and it is not legally tenable too because each university has its own statute, academic council and Board of Studies to frame the syllabus.”
Dr.Nagarajan told reporters in Madurai today that the Board of Studies in universities and autonomous colleges is empowered to take the final decision on academic matters and hence the “decision of TANSCHE to abrogate the powers of universities and take away the status of autonomous colleges in Tamil Nadu is not acceptable at all. Is it called a democracy when teachers not allowed to frame syllabus in universities and colleges in our State? We were told by the TANSCHE in July 12th meeting that it is giving only a model syllabus, but the circular sent now is totally different. So, we are going to intensify the agitation and protest opposing the common syllabus for universities from tomorrow.”