‘Divine Poster’ launched in Thiruvananthapuram

At Valiachalai Street in Thiruvananthapuram on June 11th 2023.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The ‘Divine Poster’ of Sree Kannan Bhajan Mandali at Valiachalai Street in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala was launched on 11th June 2023 amidst divine chanting and ‘Hare Krishna’ hymns to mark the ’68th Nama Sangeeerthana Mandal Bhajana Mahotsava Yagnam’ where a large number of devotees had recited the Sri Vishnu Sahasranama japam’.

This divine poster was released by Sarvashri Ramakrishnan, Balu Ramaswamy in the presence of Sri V.Sankar Bhagavathar and devotees, patrons who were present on the occasion, according to a press release. The sponsor of this year’s poster was Dr.Agarwal’s Eye Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram and poster designing done by Mr.R.K.Subramonian.

Copies of this poster were distributed to devotees who attended the launch ceremony. The 68th ‘Nama Sangeerthana Mandala Bhajana Mahotsava Yagnam’ is from 17th June 2023 and concludes on 31st July 2023. The organizers are conducting several divine programmes during this period. Toppers in SSLC and Plus Two examinations in and around Valiachalai Street in Thiruvananthapuram are going to be recognized and congratulated on 30th July 2023, as a part of ‘Sath Sangh’ activities.

For more details, contact A.Lekshmanan of Sree Kannan Bhajan Mandali on mobile numbers: 94969-94391 and 81292-09493 or 94467-51543.

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