Vice-Chancellors being ill-treated by Higher Education Minister in Tamil Nadu? Former VC Prof.Balagurusamy complains to Chief Minister Stalin (Part 1)


MADURAI: In a sensational appeal that could create a major ripple in higher education department functioning in Tamil Nadu, the former Vice-Chancellor of Anna University in Chennai Prof.Dr.E.Balagurusamy has today – on June 3rd 2023- complained to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Mr. M.K.Stalin that there is “ill-treatment of Vice-Chancellors of universities in Tamil Nadu, unfortunately, from the Higher Education Minister who is ordering the university VCs what to be done, what not to be done, how to change the curriculum, how to conduct exams and how to declare exam results. The Minister’s directions are a dire threat to the autonomy of universities, powers of Vice-Chancellors, the powers of university Syndicate and Academic Council.”

Prof.E.Balagurusamy, who is a well-known academician and a respected voice of higher education in India, has issued a press statement on June 3rd 2023 about his letter urging the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Mr.M.K.Stalin to tell Higher Education Minister of Tamil Nadu that universities are autonomous bodies and not government departments.

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