MADURAI: A letter written by a senior professor of Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) to top officials in Tamil Nadu State government and to the university Vice-Chancellor stating that he is the senior most professor in MKU (Professor since 2007) and very much inclined to serve as university Registrar is a hot topic now in higher education circles in Tamil Nadu, on May 19th 2023.
Sources told ‘Lotus Times’ media today that Dr.B.Mayil Vaganan, Professor and Head of Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, MKU, has conveyed his willingness and interest to take up the assignment as MKU Registrar. He said in his letter that he is the senior most professor in MKU and ready to render his service to the university, given an opportunity by the university Vice-Chancellor Prof.Dr.J.Kumar, varsity authorities and Government officials by taking his appeal of seniority into consideration.
The request appeal message was sent to the Principal Secretary of Higher Education Mr.Karthikeyan on 8th May 2023 and to all concerned top level officials on 12th May 2023.

In the list of 32 names, the name of Prof.Mayil Vaganan is the number one and it was learnt from reliable sources in the university here that the seniority list was sent to the Tamil Nadu Higher Education Secretary, TANSCHE, Law Secretary, Director of Collegiate Education and to all Syndicate members of MKU, and the letter says that “humble prayer was that senior most professor Dr.B.Mayil Vaganan of MKU Mathematics Department must be given the opportunity to come Registrar and serve the university, sources said here on May 19th 2023”.