CHENNAI: The Plus Two board examination results of Tamil Nadu State Board higher secondary were declared on May 8th 2023. Totally 8,03,385 students had appeared for the + 2 plus two examinations in the State of whom 7,55,451 students passed the board exams giving a total pass percentage of 94.03.
The Plus Two exams were held from 13th March 2023 to 3rd April 2023. Out of 4,21,013 girls who wrote the Plus Two State board exams, the number of girls passed is 4,05,753 which is 96.38 per cent.
The number of boys who appeared for the exams in the State was 3,82,371 of whom 3,49,697 had passed and the boys’ pass percentage is 91.45 per cent. The pass percentage of girls was 4.93 per cent more than boys in this year’s Plus Two results announced by the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations and full details of student toppers in subjects also given today.