‘Father of Economics’ celebrated at LDC on his 300th birth anniversary


At Lady Doak College in Madurai on April 25th 2023.

MADURAI: The tercentenary of Father of Economics Adam Smith was celebrated at Lady Doak College in Madurai on 25th April 2023 as students and faculty gathered to celebrate his 300th birth anniversary.

An event was organised in the college campus for Oikonomia Club valedictory cum tercentenary celebration of Father of Economics Adam Smith yesterday by Research Centre and Department of Economics.

Dr.Christianna Singh, Principal and Secretary of Lady Doak College and Head of Department of Economics, gave introductory remarks and spoke about significance of economics in higher education. Dr.Ram Goapl, former Head, Department of Economics, Annamalai University, had sponsored a cake with imprint of Adam Smith’s image and he highlighted the contribution made by Adam Smith to the field of economics.

Dr.Rosy Godwin, Head of Department of Commerce, delivered valedictory address by stressing that planning will lead to success. Certificates were distributed to winners and participants of various competitions conducted by Oikonomia Club in academic year 2022-23.

A press release received from the college had informed that 330 students of economics had participated in the programme yesterday, which was organized by Oikonomia Club conveners Dr.Suganya and Mrs.Angel.

Ms.S.Amirtha, president, Oikonomia Club, welcomed the gathering while club treasurer P.Krishnaveni had proposed a vote of thanks.

Father of Economics tercentenary celebration at LDC in Madurai on April 25th 2023.


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