10 cases against American College Principal coming for hearing in High Court Madurai Bench tomorrow?


MADURAI: Ten writ petitions filed against the incumbent Principal of American College in Madurai Dr.M.Davamani Christober are coming for hearing in the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court tomorrow- on 24th April 2023.

Sources in higher education and legal profession told ‘Lotus Times‘ today that 10 writ petitions are clubbed together and they will be heard by the Madurai Bench tomorrow starting with cases filed as early as 2014 till date against the present Principal of American College.

“This is something historic because almost 10 writ petitions were clubbed for hearing. The petitions are about his Ph.D degree etc. The cases are listed for hearing in High Court Bench on April 24th 2023,” sources added.

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