College collecting 20 times more fees from students for Govt aided courses?: Complaints against Vellaichamy Nadar College in Madurai? (Part 1)

Students demanding fees reduction at Vellaichamy Nadar College in Madurai on 4th and 5th April 2023.

MADURAI: Students of S.Vellaichamy Nadar College at Nagamalai in Madurai have decided to intensify their agitation as the talks held here in the presence of thasildar on April 11th 2023 have failed between student representatives and college management.

The campus of Nadar Mahajana Sangam S.Vellaichamy Nadar College, which is affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, has been witnessing tension amidst allegations and protests from a section of students who are alleging that the college is collecting very high fees from students for government aided courses and that it is 20 times more than the government prescribed fees for aided programs. The fees is being collected under various heads and given separate receipts.

A section of students are holding protests demanding that the college should refund the excess fees collected from students for the past three years of undergraduate course studied by them in this college.

R.Devaraj, a third year student of B.A.(Economics), has said today that the State government has a prescribed fees for aided courses, but the Vellaichamy Nadar College management is collecting 20 to 25 times more than the government fixed fees. “The All India Students Association will step up the agitation to protect the poor students who are being exploited in this college because the management is collecting huge fees for government aided courses. Today’s talks between the students’ representatives and college authorities are not satisfactory and we will decide the next course of action,” student Devaraj who is AISA SVN College unit president has said. (Already, students held a sit-in protest in the campus and in college Principal’s chamber area on April 4th and 5th 2023).

Meanwhile, the district secretary of CPI-ML Mr.C.Mathivanan has said on 11th April 2023 that the State government should intervene and address the issues of exorbitant fees being collected from students for the past many years. “A special officer should be appointed to set right the students’ problems. The college management has said today in the thasildhar’s meeting that they cannot run with the prescribed fees. But, we have to protect the poor students coming from rural areas to this college. So, better the government takes over the Vellaichamy Nadar College for some time and solve the problems,” Mr.Mathivanan added.

A few students told ‘LotusTimes’ that the college is collecting about Rs.7,000 from BA students for aided category whereas the prescribed fee is only Rs.319 and hence it is more than 20 times. (More accurate details and fee particulars will be carried in this website soon after talking to the college management and affected students).

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