MADURAI: The Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association has made an appeal from Madurai today to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) requesting its authorities to prevent selling of Idly batter and rice flour made from rice given through ration shops in PDS and to stop using domestic electric power for preparing and selling the ‘Idly’ batter. This appeal to the TNEB was made by the association president Mr.S.V.S.S.VelShankar and honorary advisor Mr.S.P. Jeyapragasam through a press statement dated 23rd February 2023 issued from Madurai.
“Idly batter (wet) and rice flour production are popular in our Tamil Nadu. Commercial establishments registered under the GST are doing this business. Some stakeholders are carrying this business without registering under the GST. Those who are not registered under the GST are buying rice illegally through the PDS ration shops system and are also using domestic power (instead of commercical power tariff) for preparing the ‘IDLY’ batter (wet) and rice flour. We request the TNEB to take necessary action at the earliest against those who are using domestic power supply for commercial purpose to prepare ‘Idly’ batter and rice flour etc. Change them to commercial power tariff because it will increase revenue of TNEB,” the letter to TNEB’s Mr.Rajesh Lakhani-IAS has appealed.