CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Mr.P.T.R.Palanivel Thiagarajan had lauded the contributions made by Jain community for past several centuries through its corporate social responsibility, charity and supportive initiatives for the benefit of the poor and needy people.
“We have to appreciate the Jain community and acknowledge its contributions. The support of Jain community people to help the needy is remarkable. The Tamil Nadu government also is working in a similar way with policies that are equitable and compassionate towards the people,” Mr.PTR Palanivel Thiagarajan has said speaking at the 8th installation and oath ceremony of Jain International and Trade Organisation (JITO)- Chennai Chapter, held in Chennai on October 16th 2022.
He told the JITO gathering that the Tamil Nadu State government is well prepared to face recession that may hit the economy at global or national level. “I am happy to note that the JITO Chennai Chapter has won national level award for its industrious and productive work for the cause of society. Like that, our State government also is flexible and adaptive. We constantly assess where the risks are coming from….. I can assure you that the TN Government is already prepared to face any challenges that arise due to economic recession, and TN will fare better than most States in our country because we are already prepared with an action plan to face the risks,” the Finance Minister has said.
Mr.PTR has lauded the role being played by Jain community people to assist the society in the fields of healthcare, educational scholarships and various noble causes. The installation of new chairman and managing committee of JITO Chennai Chapter for the term 2022-24 took place on 16th October 2022-Sunday, with Mr.Ramesh Dugar as 8th chairman of JITO Chennai Chapter, Mr.Nehal Shah as chief secretary and Shalin A.Shah as treasurer and other executive committee members also installed in the presence of Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Mr.P.T.R.Palanivel Thiagarajan.