Top colleges in TN are collecting EXORBITANT FEES from students against Govt rules? What about Stella Maris College and MCC in Chennai?


MADURAI: Several reputed arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu are violating the fees norms by collecting exorbitant fees from students for government-aided courses, according to information gathered by Prof.Dr.R.Murali, a senior academician from Madurai and State Coordinator of ‘Save Higher Education Movement- TN.’

He told ‘LotusTimes’ website on 23rd August 2022 that even the top and reputed/ famous colleges in Tamil Nadu including the Stella Maris College and MCC in Chennai are violating the government fees structure for aided courses. “There should be an investigation and ask the students and parents about fees paid for aided courses. Aided colleges must collect only Government prescribed fees. But the colleges are collecting EXORBITANT fees from students for aided course also. The name of D.B.Jain College in Chennai is also there. The top colleges in Madurai also should be investigated. We want the Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister to order for investigation into the fees collected from students by the aided colleges for aided courses,” Prof.Dr.R.Murali has appealed to the Tamil Nadu Government today – on August 23rd 2022 – from Madurai.

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