Lady Doak College holds virtual training on ‘DNA barcoding’ at national level


MADURAI: The Department of Zoology and Research Centre of Lady Doak College (LDC) in Madurai had conducted a national level virtual training on ‘DNA Barcoding’ on 11th and 12th January 2022. Experts from national and regional research institutes were a part of this program sessions which was attended by 45 participants from various parts of the country. The department had also brought out a training manual.

Dr.Christianna Singh, Principal and Secretary, Lady Doak College, had released the training manual and made introductory while Dr.Priyatharsini Rajendran, Head and Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, LDC, welcomed the gathering. The session began with inaugural address by Dr.R.Shenbagarathai, former Associate professor and Coordinator, Department of Biotechnology, LDC.

Dr.Shantanu Kundu, senior research associate, ZSI-Kolkata, gave an overview of the process of DNA barcoding with special emphasis on interpretation of sequencing chromotogram and the criteria to be followed for specific recognition. Dr.A.Vanniarajan, scientist, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, had explained to participants about the history of genomic sequencing, next generation sequencing etc.

Among those who addressed the training participants include Dr.Reginald Victor, retired professor, Department of Biology, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, who spoke on the importance of collaborative work between classical taxonomists and scientists involved in DNA barcoding. Assistant professors of zoology in LDC- Dr.A.Lourdhu Mary, Dr.K.Sujatha and Dr.A.Mahalakshmi- gave a virtual experience of DNA isolation, PCR amplification and analysis, sequencing and Insilico analysis. “The national level virtual training is a part of Lady Doak College’s efforts to bring out the latest scientific developments to academic community,” a press release received from the college here on 12th January 2022, has said.

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