Foodgrains Merchants Assn team meets Finance Minister PTR, makes a plea on various issues


MADURAI: A team of office-bearers belonging to the Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association had met Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Mr.P.T.R.Palanivel Thiagarajan in Madurai on 16th December 2021 and submitted to him a list of their important demands and highlighted the need for Minister’s intervention and help to address certain grievances regarding GST rates, Food Safety and Standards Act, plea to State government to withdraw the G.O. on ban to use plastic covers for packing etc. A representation was given to the Finance Minister after explaining to him about their grievances and requests.

The association team that met Mr.PTR here today include Mr.S.P.Jeyapragasam, president, Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association, Mr.S.V.S.S.Velshankar, secretary, Mr.S.Sai Subramaniam, treasurer and Mr.N.Giritharan, association vice-president.

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