MADURAI: A strong public stand was taken by the Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday by stating that Madurai must be declared as the second capital of Tamil Nadu to ensure growth of trade and industry and economic development of southern districts of Tamil Nadu. It has made an appeal to the Tamil Nadu State government in this regard on 13th July 2021 to take immediate steps and declare Madurai as 2nd capital of Tamil Nadu, and before that form a high level committee consisting officials of various departments to analyse and implement the same, Mr.N.Jegatheesan, president, Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has appealed in a press statement issued from Madurai today- on 13th July 2021.
“There is no need for a separate State within Tamil Nadu. The aim of TN Chamber is to make Madurai the 2nd capital of our State…..for decentralization of certain government departments. With this impractical issues like ‘Kongu Nadu’ will not be there…..So, please set up a high level advisory committee to make Madurai as second capital. If the second capital is there is in Madurai, the workload will be reduced for officials and people. There are already a number of States in India with two officially declared capitals- Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. Making Madurai as second capital of Tamil Nadu will shift the headquarters of some government departments to Madurai,” Mr.N.Jegatheesan has said in his important press statement from Madurai today and added that major States need to two capitals to achieve equal and balanced growth.
“More than 75 number of directorate offices are now functioning in Chennai. Some of them can be transferred to Madurai if it is second capital. There are lot of tourist spots like Kodaikanal, Rameswaram, Kanyakumari etc in this region……,” Mr.N.Jegatheesan has said in the press release of Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from Madurai, today- on 13th July 2021.