Apollo Hospital delivers safe COVID care for pregnant women, reaches out from its Karaikudi hospital


(Left to Right) : Dr.Manikandan, Paediatrician & Neonatologist., Apollo Reach Hospital, Karaikudi
Dr.Rathi Lavanya, Gynecologist & Obstetrician, Dr. Rohini Sridhar – Chief Operating Officer, Apollo Hospitals, Madurai Division,  Mr.Manikandan – General Managar – Health Care Services (HCS), Apollo Hospitals Madurai Division, Mrs. Lavanya – Administrator,  Apollo Reach Hospital, Karaikudi and Dr.Gokula Krishnan – Medical Superintendent, Apollo Reach Hospital, Karaikudi.

KARAIKUDI: The Apollo Hospitals has been doing a remarkable medical service in this COVID 19 pandemic and its Apollo Reach Hospital situated at Managiri in Karaikudi, near Madurai in Tamil Nadu, is no exception. It took special care for pregnant women during this Corona care period and COVID-19 time. A press release issued here on 29th June 2021 has said that:

 “We at Apollo Reach Hospitals, Karaikudi have successfully treated 38 antenatal COVID 19 positive patients. Out of 38 Patients were admitted and 10 patients were in home quarantine with regular follow up at the fever clinic.  Most of the patients had mild symptoms like cough, headache few patients had respiratory distress and few presented with loose stools. Patients were evaluated with blood investigations MRI chest to assess the severity of disease.  Patients were treated according to standard protocols. Injection Remidisivir and steroids were started in needed patients.  All patients had good recovery. Eight cases were delivered in active stage of disease and in post COVID period.  All new borns were kept in NICU with paediatric monitoring. Post natal mothers were observed for complications meticulously and discharged in good health. COVID infection increases the risk of antenatal and perinatal anxiety and depression which was again tackled meticulously.” said Dr.Rathi Lavanya, Gynecologist & Obstetrician.

“Babies born to mothers with COVID were kept under observation for covid symptoms and monitored by neonatologist. All neonates were discharged in health and hemodynamically stable condition. Post natal mothers were observed for complications and put on anti coagulants tin discharge and anti platelet post discharge. COVID infection increases the risk of antenatal and perinatal anxiety and depression” said Dr.Manikandan, Paediatrician & Neonatologist.

In Fever clinic, 48 pediatric patients were screened for covid, among those 9 cases were admitted because of underlying medical condition and disease severity. They were treated accordingly and all were discharged in hemodynamically stable condition. Remaining mild cases were followedup through teleconsultation. In view of possibility of covid third wave, where children might get affected, necessary pediatric beds, training of staff nurse and other necessary facilities were arranged in Apollo Reach Hospitals.     

“The COVID second wave had a significant rise in the number of cases. We had a tough fight with a second wave of the pandemic with more than lakh daily covid cases. Our doctors and nurses were working round-the-clock even during this pandemic. We are proud to take the initiative by our gynecologists and paediatricians on successfully bringing some quality and meaning to the life of this patients” said Dr. Rohini Sridhar, Chief Operating Officer, Apollo Hospitals, Madurai Division, in a press release received here on 29th June 2021- Tuesday. 

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