Madurai Smart City works inspection by Corporation Commissioner


MADURAI: Corporation Commissioner Dr.K.P.Karthikeyan had inspected the progress of Madurai Smart City Project works in Madurai city here today- on 22nd June 2021- being implemented along the Vaigai riverbed in Madurai, at Obulapadithurai, Kuruvikaransalai etc.

He, along with senior officials of Madurai Corporation, went to various places where the smart city infrastructure construction works are being done now, he enquired about the progress of roadworks, bridges etc, works from at Raja Mill Salai to Kuruvikaran Salai, Alwarpuram, and the decorative lighting works, road bridges etc, according to a press release received from Madurai Corporation here today- on 22nd June 2021. Works to the tune of about Rs.85 crores are planned and being executed under the Smart City project mission in Viagai riverbed area here, and Rs.23 crores for Obulapadithurai bridge.

Among those present during the Corporation Commissioner’s inspection of smart city works here on 22nd June 2021 include City Engineer Mr.Arasu, EE Mr.Rajendran, PRO Mr.Maheswaran and senior corporation officials including Mr.Manoharan, Balagurunathan, Murugan and others.   


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