MADURAI: The ‘Lotus Times’ website in Madurai has today- On 15th June 2021- received a very important news alert informing us that FAKE CERTIFICATES were given to get HEALTH INSPECTOR posts in Madurai Corporation. The names of two persons were given. We have to verify with the corporation officials about this complaint and allegation. The complaint and allegation is that qualification is a question mark for two Health Inspectors now working in Madurai Corporation…….It was alleged that they gave fake certificates for the post……and LAKHS OF RUPEES as BRIBE was given for the post, it is being alleged.
‘LOTUS TIMES’ HAS RECEIVED THE NAMES OF THE TWO HEALTH INSPECTORS OF MADURAI CORPORATION ON 15th JUNE 2021- WITH ALL DETAILS. AND, WE WILL PUBLISH SHORTLY THE NAMES. (An appeal has been made to the Madurai District Collector, Madurai Corporation Commissioner and senior authorities in the State Government to take action and punishment after doing a thorough investigation).