Press Statement
MADURAI: The Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry has made an appeal to the Corporation and traffic police authorities to remove the centre median divider installed at Kamarajar Salai in Madurai between
Munichalai Junction and Ganesh Theatre Junction.
It has issued a press statement on 9th June 2021 to highlight its plea in the interest of general public, road users and the students studying in schools situated in that area in Madurai, since the Kamarajar Salai stretch is already very narrow.
Mr.N.Jegatheesan, president, TN Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has said that the installation of such a median divider on narrow roads in
the city will only add to traffic congestion and leads to unexpected accidents.
“Kamarajar Salai in Madurai has an increased width of the road from East Gate junction to Munichalai junction. Similarly, the width of the road from Ganesh Theatre junction to Teppakulam is also wide. But the road width from Munichalai to Ganesh Theatre is only 40 feet in total. With a centre median divider erected in the middle of the road, only 20 feet wide
per side of the road can be used for traffic. Besides, an opening has been left at the Centre Median only in front of the Sourashtra Boy’s Higher Secondary School about 1 km from Munichalai junction proceeding to Ganesh Theatre junction,” he said.
Mr.N.Jegatheesan had pointed out that there are 11 streets on the north side and 8 streets on south side of Kamarajar Salai between Munichalai Junction and Ganesh Theatre. Similarly, in that area more residential houses, trade
and commercial establishments, Madurai Corporation Manimegalai Girls Higher Secondary School, theatre and numerous marriage halls are situated.
“Between the above two junctions, there are 3 bus stops viz., Sourashtra Boy’s Higher Secondary School, Santhaipettai and Ganesh Theatre.
Once the COVID 19 curfew is over and public transport begins, city buses on this road when it stops at the above stops, the other following vehicles on the road will not be able to pass through the city buses due to narrow road.
The TN Chamber president has said that the appeal is on behalf of general public, students and the trade / industrial sector. “We in the TN Chamber
urges the concerned department authorities to properly inspect the area and remove the Centre Median Divider installed in the middle of the Kamarajar Salai from Munichalai junction to Ganesh Theatre junction,” he added.