MADURAI: Tamil Nadu Minister Mr.Sellur K Raju today inspected the sewage treatment plant established by the Madurai Corporation at Panthalkudi here. Accompanied by Madurai Corporation Commissioner Mr.S.Visakan and officials, he went to the sewage plant site where sewage water treatment plant is coming up at an estimated cost of Rs.2.5 crore, according to a press release here on 4th November 2020.
The Madurai Corporation and State Government are taking several measures to strengthen the drainage system and rectify the problems in sewage free flow. The Pandhalkudi Channel near Goripalayam in Madurai city is an important one and hence the corporation took steps to set up a sewage treatment plant under the Jawaharlal Nehru national scheme. Minister Sellur K.Raju inspected the sewage treatment facility that will benefit the wards in Sellur-Goripalayam area.