MADURAI: Tamil Nadu’s Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Mr.R.B.Udayakumar had today inspected the construction and infrastructure development works in progress at Periyar Busstand in Madurai city as a part of ‘Madurai Smart City’ development plan.
On 2nd October 2020, the Minister along with Madurai Corporation Commissioner Mr.S.Visakan and senior officials had visited the localities at Periyar Bus Stand area here to see the infrastructure construction works that are now underway, a press release from Madurai Corporation here today informed.
The Periyar Bus Stand is being refurbished under the SMART CITY project at an estimated cost of Rs.159 crores and also more than Rs.2 crore has been allocated to build a tourist centre near that place.
Minister Mr.R.B.Udayakumar and Madurai Corporation Commissioner Mr.S.Visakan took stock of the Smart City works going on at Netaji Street, near Meenakshi Temple, Town Hall Road, North Masi Street and other Masi Streets around the famous Meenakshi Temple etc.
MLAs Mr.S.S.Saravanan, Periapulan, Corporation CE Mr.Arasu, AE Mr.P.S.Manian, Corporation PRO Mr.Chitravel and others were present during today’s inspection of Madurai Smart City works here- on 2nd October 2020.