MKU exam scandal: 1,200 students from Delhi, Mumbai


MADURAI: The examination scandal being alleged in the Directorate of Distance Education Education of Madurai Kamaraj University is calling for a very thorough investigation at various MKU study centres.

On 19th August 2020, information was received that the Theni and Thiruvannamalai centres (centre codes 496/498 and Theni code 379) needs to be probed due to complaints of exam malpractices complained in April 2019 exams.

“Flying squads from the MKU visited these centres and found that no students have written exam at Thiruvannamalai centre, but this centre had sent 800 answer scripts to MKU here and all are students from New Delhi. Exam resuklts were not released from this centre. Similarly, at Theni centre (centre code 379), students did not write exams but 400 answer scripts were sent from there and mostly from Mumbai. Appeals are coming from various quarters to hold a full probe in to these allegations,” sources told ‘Lotus Times’ news website – today evening- 19th August 2020.

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