MADURAI: Worried and anxious students from Kerala are contacting the ‘Lotus Times’ news website in the past one week to know about the exam-answersheet allegations about Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) in Madurai. Allegations have come that some centres in Kerala indulged in some irregularities in the conduct of examinations in connivance with a few university staff in Madurai.
On 18th August 2020, the ‘Lotustimes’ ( had received calls from Kerala from a few candidates. “We wrote PG exams of MKU distance education wing……We are from Malappuram centre and from Kozhikode in Kerala. After seeing the news in your website, we have been trying to contact MKU in the phone number given to us (0452-2458471) but nobody is picking up that number now. What is our future now? When will the MKU distance education results be published. The exams were held in February 2020 and we are waiting for the exam results,” the Kerala students have expressed their anguish today over phone.
The MKU Vice-Chancellor Prof.M.Krishnan and his senior officials are presently looking into the allegations since the Tamil Nadu Governor Mr.Banwarilal Purohit has ordered the university administration to look into the complaints that some outsiders’ papers were inserted into answer-sheet bundles (without writing the exam at designated MKU centre). The first meeting of this MKU Investigation Committee is taking place here on 21st August 2020. Till the probe is over, the worried Kerala students have to wait. It will take a couple of weeks.