MADURAI: The School Education Department of Government of Tamil Nadu has issued a fresh G.O. today- 6th July 2020- stating that students of higher secondary classes in the State will follow 4-subject groups only and not as decided earlier. This decision comes into effect from this academic year 2020-21.
An earlier G.O. issued introducing 3-subject groups was cancelled and a fresh one issued today. This decision was taken based on the feedback and representations received from parents, educationists and teachers in the interest of the higher secondary students in Tamil Nadu.
Higher education admission scope and job opportunities were cited as reasons for reverting back to the four subject groups in higher secondary classes, the G.O. issued today said.
4 subject groups for higher secondary students in T.N.(G.O.copy)
By Shastry V MalladyJul 06, 2020, 15:59 pm0
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