CHENNAI: Corona disinfection work is being intensively done at the famous Vijaya Hospital in Vadapalani in Chennai which has been temporarily shutdown from 3rd July 2020 because of high number of COVID-19 cases and many of its employees testing Corona positive.

Questions are being raised on how so many Corona infection cases were reported from this hospital premises. Sources said today that the hospital staff who worked in Corona treatment and isolation ward had also worked in other departments and patient wards thereby spreading the Coronavirus infection.

“The same staff had walked through all sensitive departments like heart care and Cathlab. Corona ward staff worked continuously without break and this stress had resulted in at least 20 hospital staff getting Corona positive,” sources added.

The hospital management had decided to temporarily suspend patient care services from 3rd July 2020 and infection control measures taken up as per the government guidelines. Some patients were shifted to nearby Vijaya Health Cebntre (VHC).

Sources in Vijaya Hospital in Chennai said today – on 5th July 2020- that the hospital had to be temporarily shutdown since 80 persons out of 100 had tested COVID-19 positive and 25 of them were hospital employees. One of the hospital employees died because of Corona a few days back.

“A team of government and corporation officials had inspected the Vijaya Hospital and instructed for quick start of disinfection process. Hospital was closed temporarily and patients were shifted to other places. Fresh admissions are not being done and OP services closed,” sources said.

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